Thursday, July 5, 2012

Alot About Pot

De-criminalize marijuana of a federal level then offer statehood to Mexico

Have an envelope with a list of "trouble with pot"
     1)  Dream retarder
     2)  lids close to smaller view of eyes
     3)  criminality
     4)  temporary memory inhibitor
     5)  female dislike of appetite ignitor
     6)  speeds intensity to communicate the moment
     7)  perception most actions of "straights" is humorously foolish and much by peers is laughable

   July 2012
  I was planning this trip to CA with a buddy and it entailed lots of important details.  Like getting an ID, getting a driver's license, buying a ride, taking an ailing hound...Then I get an offer to be flown to my daughter's crib.  More details, like the dog, closing my crib, new threads, new attitude.
     During all this time, I'm partying hearty with my man, big alcohol whiskeys in bars I've been barred from, and grease feasts afterwards.  All bad shit for my fit.  But it took the sweat from details and I was way getting off on it.
     But, one morning, soon after my usual up bowlful, I get really bummed.  High and bummed out at the same time!  A split-second of heavy pressure which had to be relieved in the next split-second.
     I"d never been there before.  Immediately, I decided to bag the CA trip, altogether, so I wrote:

    High and bummed is a nick of time which opens a slice of intensity, screaming to change course or sit on it.  I'm going to sit this one out.

    Then I e-mailed my daughter.

       Big Kilroy Dude used to say, "You get too high, man." 
      Kasu told me, "Other people don't get high like you do."
 I concede to liking marijuana as my doc (drug of choice).  "Addicted" indicates one is unable to stop due to the physical discomfort of withdrawal.  I've stopped for various reasons, none to do with health.   Usually, lack of funds.
     Smoking grass inhibits dream recall.  Stopping intensifies recall and can be nightmarish for a few nights.  I have scored to stop the bad dreams.  At least, that's the reason I used.
     Dreams are the brain sorting out the day's events in order to store or sequence.  If pot de-emphasizes dreams and when allowed to, the brain catches up, so to speak, producing a rush of really wild, inexplicable reels which we awaken with, perhaps this should be studied.  Lots of willing subjects, I'd venture.  In my case, after the bad dreams subside, the lack of THC is no physical or psychological problem.  It is easy to stop smoking pot.
     Lots of people have gotten the marijuana high.  Few people can continuously burn the herb as their primary drug of choice. Therefore, it is not de-criminalized.  If individuals were free to grow, smoke, or share a toke, sans the threat of a badge at the door, their votes would automatically free the weed.
      Toasting one should rank right up there with giving a toast.  If you think you need that drink to sink your pressure guage arrow, you should be allowed to hit a "j" after work.
      Children don't have anything to "get high" about, like adults who often need to wind down a "bad day." Besides, kid's main attention is to see how out of it they can get in a short span of time.  Alcohol, the personality changer, the idiot oil, the stepping stone drug to no-limit craziness; that's the one they all want to experience.  However, pot's propensity to induce hilarity is more obvious with youth-users.  Cheap wine and some weed can be a civilized circle.
     Many of the large numbers of people I used party with are probably all off pot.  They were teen-agers when I knew them.  The ladies began changing to pills and powders because they couldn't handle the extra munchy-induced calories.
     If you are weight-conscious, then be prepared to work off your buzzes with some physical exercise, because you can consume food like a half-starved bear.  LuAnn said her old man came in from doing doobs with his biker buddies and ordered her to fix some spaghetti as soon as he got through the doorway.  I saw a sophisticated Becky reach into a jar of peanut bitter with three fingers and scoop gobs onto her tongue.  Firing a little ganja prior to a meal will certainly fire up the appetite.
     Many seniors say the only reason they eat, at all,  is to take their meds.  The first dose should be a toke.  Then they'd be eating to satisfy that craving hunger.  There are times when I was high and showing off at one big feed or another.  The legendary scarfers ended up just watching as I went for two more helpings past their last one.
     There are some hits that stop everything for a second that may last longer.  It's a tug-clamp on the top of your head, from the brows back to the nape, as if the rest of your body is trying to gravity pull away.  Down-side of a Ferris wheel ride, only you are in-place.
     For optimum effect, a hit (inhaling marijuana smoke) should be held in the lungs for thirty-seconds.  In general, however, hits are seldom held for anywhere near 30-seconds.  In the first place, the smoke swells in your lungs and is usually exhaled with a cough, simply because the user usually sucks in more than they can handle.  First-timers, old-tokers, both choke on good hits.
     Bong Lungs was fifteen the first time I saw her hit a free-standing pipe.  People were holding their nostrils closed and popping their ears to keep from coughing out the smoke.  She emptied that 18-inch column, held it, then slowly exhaled a cloud.  Years later, I queried her about those days and she assured me that talent ended after she began smoking cigarettes.
     Most tobacco users find it way more difficult to stop if they are also smoking pot.  A cigarette after a joint is really satisfying.  All bi-smokers I know tell me they could easily stop chokes if they could fire up a joint without criminal consequences.  I personally believe alcoholics can be allayed with rock and roll music and marijuana.  Here, again, all the drinkers who know the difference state they'd rather be able to smoke dope than fill up on suds.

One can get only so high on pot.  One can only get so high on pot.  Smoking more marijuana will not cause an increased effect of the drug, thc.  In fact, continued lighting and toking is just a communal thing to do between sips of wine or whatever.
     Once, there was a crowded party on a snowstorm night and the doorbell rang.  It was two local cops and they wanted me.  I remember when the door was opened, a rush of smoke exhausted over their heads.  I'd parked in a neighbor's driveway and had to move my Capri.  Sure, no problem, Larry, I'll get right on it.  I don't recall anyone getting excited or acting stoned.  I can tell you I was straight, instantly.

     Been trying to find out how much President Obama knows about marijuana.  In the first place, he gets his first hits in Hawaii.  There, marijuana growing is an art form.  There are lots of artists and if a kid wants to get high, he probably already knows an artist.  Which is tons different from any similar experience in the states. 
      The artists, here, furnish little of their wares because it is illegal, so marijuana salespeople peddle Mexican marijuana, which, even though against the law, comes into this country by the bale or the boatload, breeding a criminal element with unlimited revenue, on both sides of the border.
     We are providing the jillions of dollars in cash boosting Mexico's gangland protection forces which  grow more ruthless as the profits steadily increase.
       Federally de-criminalize marijuana in this country.   Mexican border mafia loses mega-pesos.  Now, we can be serious about our borders and make Mexico a state.
     Point is, Barack Obama knows little about the marijuana consumption in this country.  He's never been to any illegal marijuana parties.  He's never been encouraged to sell pot, because he has some and his friends don't, even though the stuff is so costly, he'd rather keep it all.
      So far, he is not the President who will evolve us past the ignorant attitude our government  maintains about marijuana.
     Adult marijuana users will pay for "the best" they can afford.  Most of them have no idea about the days when Mexican could be had all over for $160 a pound.  Today, $160 buys an ounce of Mexican.  Same stuff; seeds and stems count as weight.  If they had access to "medical marijuana" or a de-criminalized marijuana retail outlet, some would still pay the $320 per ounce price for stuff grown by artists which boost the thc levels to "one-toke" stage. 
     Another fact is, it doesn't matter how good it is, people waste lots of smoke.  Talking around sip-hits, passing the joint (or holding it until it goes out), taking too much and coughing most of it out, missing the effect.

     The main problem with pot is the paranoia, the marijuana aura, wherein the user feels the eye contact with straights and imagines they know he is high.  Eventually, the looks are just mostly vacant, as if straights have to study before they speak to your elevated view.  In time, the situation evolves to something similar to Jimmie C. Rench's explanation as his reason for drinking into alcoholism.  "Pheel, everybody I associated with back then, when I was in the Marines, drank.  The only way I could stand to be around them was to be just as drunk."
      Tetrahydrocannabinolics feel more comfortable when buzzin' and we have use it when dealing with crowds.  Paranoia, after all, is seeing and feeling in a more concentrated way, so it may be we are more aware of what is really there, said or unsaid.
     The best thing to do with a buzz is to talk it off  with other freaks.  Everybody has an opinion and wants to express it in the middle of all the other raps. All while laughing and talking loudly.  Totally unlike all the stereotypical images of unkempt people nearly comotose from constant toking.  Marijuana is an up.  Nobody smokes pot to go limp.  Which, by the way, if you are sexually engaged, already, co-toking just prior to a romp will definitely enhance the ride.  A line or two on top of that is reaching for a "best ever" session, but nobody is rich enough or disciplined enough to keep a little cocaine, just for sexual trysts.

      But, we can't talk about it.  Nobody wants to hear pot stories, except t'ics. Alcoholics, or "recovering" alcoholics really get upset.  Like one of the sisters, in Crown Point, who said, "Why do you have to talk about it?  You don't hear me bragging about drinking Jack Daniels or Canadian Club, do you?  Just shut up and don't mention marijuana!"  Poor thing had been allowed to drink by her user boyfriend, but he wouldn't let her smoke pot because of her "addictive personality."  And here's me, getting high to ball her between AA meetings.  Seems unfair, now.

     I know of no female ever seduced while under the influence of marijuana.  I've seen lots of pairings while partying and many lasted into marriage.  And there have been many early experiences while high on pot.  But they were never influenced by any drug boost like one kicked by alcohol.  Inhibitions may be even more keen while stoned.

     Marijuana butter and someone completely losing it who ends up running and screaming are marijuana myths, as far as I'm concerned. Two people have told me about the butter.  One was a straight foreman at a foundry I worked in. He approaches me out of the dust and begins to tell me this recipe and that if I make any to not let my kids get hold of it.  Longest he ever talked to me.  The other was a Marine Captain relating the substance to a friend of his neighbor. The entire concept of mixing a pound of butter with a quantity of marijuana and cooking it to use later in a recipe is just playing with expensive ingredients for some way to ingest thc later.
     Any attack of marijuana paranoia which results in abberration such as frightened screaming and running away is from alcohol or other lab candy that was swallowed.
     Too bad Rudy Eugene was shot to death, leaving no explanation and marijuana as the only illegal substance in his toxology report.
     All of the effects of marijuana are ephemeral, i.e., short-lived.  On an empty stomach with a cup of tea, the feeling is hunger, complete with all the growling and pangs.  If the urge is followed with food, it will pass, but if you don't eat, it will still abate itself. 
     One effect is dry mouth.  Dry mouth is like desert thirst and can happen at anytime during a buzz.  Most t'ics have liquid available.   Wine and beer are nice quenchers, but soft drinks suffice.  Of course, for a more pure high, water works.  Still, sans any rinse, saliva returns within minutes and wet tongue is back.
      The vividness of the movie, the new sounds in an album heard a thousand times before, extra kick in a run or pick-up game, the flash of a TV show, the hyped-up need to express ideas popping up in conversations, it all fades back to the reel-to-real.  But reality seems better, somehow.

     Marijuana and its no-thc cousin, hemp, can grow anywhere, as weeds usually can.  Either one can be turned into many products, most famous being hemp rope, which is superior to plastic but has been phased out by the campaign against marijuana planting.  DEA uproots and forbids farming of either one.  United States made hemp rope was used by the sailors of the world.  Now everybody uses nylon and it's made everywhere, like all the other chemical products.
     There's thc in the leaves of marijuana.  Dried and smoked, there's a buzz to be caught from "shake."  In fact, a true tetrahydracannabinolic can plant a seed and within a month or so, begin trimming leaves to smoke.  If there's a large plot of marijuana plants, the harvest will end with lots of shake dope.  The act of separating the choice "buds" from the female plant, leaves shake.  This shake has some thc simply because it has come from a cultivated plant.  Today, shake is everything in a bag that isn't bud, to include seeds, stems, and leaf pieces.
     Like Willie Wagner used to say, "It's all in what you're used to."  A bowl of shake every few hours can provide a decent high, but it isn't the same as a half-bowl of bud which may stay with you for an hour or more.
      Fact is, nobody really knows how anybody else is getting off on their consumption of pot.  Most times, somebody will ask if you are high, just to be sure they aren't getting off alone.

     The more repetitive and boring the job, the better it goes with a buzz.  In general, however, a high results in planning more than one thing at a time and usually a priority gets bumped down to be remembered later. 
      A tool may be misplaced and there's paranoia that someone may have taken it. After a while, though, the job and the buzz flow together and production is the automatic part.
       Every job I've done since the age of thirty-five have been while under the influence of pot.  I was the sawyer on a log home gig and nobody else touched the saw.  I told the boss if he could tell by the work on which days I was using, I'd stop.  He told me that if he could tell, I'd have already been let go. 
       On a wire mill gig, runnning seven copper wire drawing machines, I rode to work with a dude who smoked and passed a doobie right into the parking lot and we punched in with a minute to spare.  The first day, he sidled over to my machines and said, "You lost your needle nose pliars, didn't you?"  He was right and I was stunned, then he went back to his own machines, smiling.

        In northern California, I was ripped one time and as soon as I got to the selling floor, a customer said he wanted to buy a bed.  I was in the furniture department of Ward's, surrounded by mattresses, headboards, foundations, etc., and I blanked and just said, "A bed."
     Fortunately, the man and his wife were in from the woods and cash money was no object and delivery would be in their truck.  They left with the most expensive queen set I could write up.  Commission was high, too.

      A Boogie Hall mate and I worked on a foundry machine that conveyed freshly cast brake drums, universal joints and other hot iron parts.  What wasn't removed came back around until there were times it was layers deep and the heat was skillet intense. If the casting was done with minimum shutdowns, the conveyors stayed full and by the end of the first two shifts, they were jammed full on the take-off end.  By the time John Boy and I came in for the last shift, they were still digging out from the production that had overwhelmed the guys on the previous shift.
     We went in there, buzzing like bandsaws, and started cleaning up the mess.  We always kept up with the production.  John was the first person to handle the line of hot metal.  I was next and on the end was an older dude who removed the sprue (the part of the casting which overflows the molds).  A fourth man was third in line and this was a fill-in position.  Nobody wanted it every day. Most couldn't handle the pace we set.
      There were castings the size of softballs, which came so fast, there was a coal shovel to remove them, and when mixed with Buick brake drums which had to be hooked and hung on another moving conveyor, the perspiration was boiling.  That Boy (he was 19 at the time) would stack pairs of gloves eight high, then grab and toss those hot balls off the line into a steel container.  When the gloves would begin to smoke, he'd pull them off and slip on a pair from the pile and keep working.  It was high speed ballet, as he cleared all the round castings and kept a pile of gloves cooling as he scorched each pair in blurs of  hand manipulations.  Of course, these were rare times when shovelling was hampered by other castings and sprue, so John's show was just long enough to attract spectators and clear the conveyor for the rest of us.  Didn't take long to work off a buzz, that was certain.

     When I first started taking a hit, pot was $15 an ounce and anyone using was carrying some.  If a person was going to roll a joint, someone else would match the amount of grass to twist.  Often, there would be an offer of "I'll match you."
     Today, totally different. Having pot in your possession is an arrest waiting to happen.  Which means you lose the marijuana and some definite freedoms
     The war is ongoing and the funds are there for stopping the use of street drugs.  Entire police forces are operated on government funds to eradicate street drugs.  Marijuana is high on the list of drug war targets, simply because it is easy to find some evidence for an arrest.  Seeds, dust, residue, roaches and any amount of "green vegetable matter," which can be altered to reflect "tons" confiscated, every day.
     In Ohio, it appears the "marijuana problem" has been put under jurisdiction of the state highway patrol which is directing its attention to the trafficing of pot. The days of getting into the car and "going to burn one" have been diminished.  It doesn't matter how one is driving, a cell phone citizen sees a freak taking a toke, they'll be "lit up" by flashing lights within seconds.  And any stop a cop makes may result in a search of the vehicle if any signs of use or possession of ganja is suspected.
      Fifteen states, including Ohio, have decriminalized possession of  up to 3.5 ounces of marijuana, wherein an arrest will result in no criminal record and a small fine.  So small amounts are ignored, except as a last resort arrest in a police search.  
      Whatever, the risk has run the price to such outrageous levels, nobody offers "to match" the twister.  Not at $200+ per ounce.  Street retailers are required to weigh out parcels as small as an eighth of an ounce.  Joints are too expensive, so some form of a smoking pipe is used, including the popular bong, which is a bowl connected to a large cylindrical (wood, metal or plastic) mouthpiece. The larger volume of smoke is drawn into the tube and then inhaled.

     Marijuana can be ingested via baked goods, brownies being the most common carrier.  However, the buzz comes later and the amount of pot needed to kick the mixture is cost prohibitive, today.

      No matter how marijuana is smoked, there is residue,  Joints end up as "roaches," too small to continue hitting.  These may be saved to tear open, later, remove the resin soaked weed and roll a "roach" joint.  This is in lieu of using fresh grass.   But the roaches smell bad and removing the pot from sticky paper is nasty.  In earlier days, we used to hold the roach between two match heads and light them with another lit match.  After the flash of sulfur and within a second, the smoke would be inhaled through the nostrils.  That can be a decent hit.

     Smoking pot through any pipe will eventually produced a layer of gummy tar which dries to coat the bowl, screen and stem.  Eventually, this has to be removed. Some bongs use a container of water which further filters the smoke.  In any case, cleaning back to the original finish is messy, at best.

     So aside from the need to clear the air of burnt herb, the clean up after smoking is the least desirable part of getting high.  The only thing worse is smoking from a pipe which has not been kept clean and getting a tongue-taste of moist residue.  "Is that the way you clean this pipe!"

     I never toked around my kids but I've heard stories.  PD told me about a visit from his insurance agent.  His three year old daughter carried PD's stash box to the man and told him, "Here, you roll one."  PD grabbed it and said, "No, he doesn't want to play with your little cars, right now."

     I've known marijuana smoking parents who have been held hostage by their children, threatening to "turn them in."  I've seen couples after divorce where one threatens to expose another to win custody of children or change visitation privileges.

     The problem with accepting marijuana by straights is the fear of something which has no physical format to identify users.   The biggest mystery is what the "high" is, if it doesn't change anything, like alcohol, cocaine and tobacco.  Most everyone knows the signs of someone drunk, or someone staying wide-eyed-up for hours, or the obvious "need for a cigarette."
     You may assume I'm high but I see you looking for signs while talking to me.  And I can't explain to you how it feels because it is all mental.  It is my brain's reaction to thc.  Your reaction may be different because it is all mental.

    Two of the three above mentioned drugs are strictly legal, controlled  and taxed to the hilt.  The other is strictly controlled by being strictly illegal.  Marijuana, the non-problematic herb is illegal, uncontrollable, untaxed, unpoliceable, unethical in the punishment by jail and untold numbers of test cases for further study of medicinal uses.
     Yet, you are afraid to decriminalize it on a federal level, therein allowing states to fall in step.
     You can't wait anymore, the writing is on your forehead.  Stop screaming and allowing police power to stop a scourge in your mind that has stood the test of time and you know it is nothing to dread.
     I thought I know alot about pot, but there's not alot to pontificate on.  Just an elderly t'ic trying to find a way to put it down on paper, I guess.

     Truth, of course, is the quest of an unpublished writer who likes his own shit so much, he can't stop trying to find a way to be recognized for what he knows well enough to tell.  Of course, it is all fiction.

Was it two years ago. I see marijuana starts in styrofoam cups on a post at the lake?  Went back on my bicycle and brought them home.  Five of seven survived, three female, miniaturized inside, decent toke.  Bought some rooting powder and tried it on basil start.  Good result.  Need a good clone to copy. May try to start a dogwood tree off neighbor's tree, first.

     State by state "legalization" or medical marijuana statutes will bring the ability to grow for personal use.  In fact, a small plot may be overlooked, or just "confiscated."  No matter where it is being cultivated, someone is looking to rip it off.
     I can stand my $150 monthly use, delivered. Would I like to reduce it by what I can grow? Absolutely.  The toking population grows in age and numbers. Every older citizen should be able to grow marijuana to smoke or sell.  Is there a full-time marijuana user who has President Obama's ear?  Not those sanctimonious ex-freaks who got high in college.  I mean someone who gets high now.

8Aug13 -

    Walking my dog and see a chick I know.  Where's your dog?  She's home, gets too tired, has to lie down on a walk..  She's holding a choke and I say "You should save your lungs for marijuana", remembering when I got high with her.  "That's what this is, you wanna hit?"
    I could not believe I'd been talking to her and actually thought a hand roll was a ready roll.  Three blocks from home and doing a number on a public path.
    Worked the dog, came home, lifted weights, ate breakfast, napped.  Woke up to Paleo wanting to load a bowl.  He wasn't out of the drive for five minutes when Dooglas drops in with some "California style" reefer.  effin excellent.  My oat, apple, egg white, raisin, pecan, milk concoction is sliding, man.  A cloudy day full of sunshine.  When living forever seems within reach.   With beans and greens on the way.












     In 1970, my younger brothers stayed a night on the way from Chicago and proffered my first toke.  I was thirty-five, buying a house and raising four kids.

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