Monday, March 23, 2009

OLD MEXICO - The 51st State

16Jun10 - Well the spill changes everything and we should treat it as the Gulf of Mexico invasion by the USA.  Mexico has shoreline on the Gulf as large and dependent as ours.  Statehood for Mexico will be the only way to utilize a combined cleanup for the Gulf.   Even then, it could be spoiled for decades.  We burn through oil enough to consume all the oil wasted during this entire episode, in about two-and-a-half-hours.  Imagine the pollution of our boundaries biosphere by the combusted refined oil.  By spill or re-fill, we have to begin to stop.  Addiction can only be controlled by the addicted.

Globalize by expansion, eliminate immigration, make Mexico the 51st State. It could be the key to unity for a cause every citizen can support, i.e., foreign real estate to visit via highways. Isn't it anachronistic to think of Mexico as "overseas?" Mr. Obama, take down this fence!

All it's good for is stopping illusions, ghosts and other scary images conjured by insecure Americans. The world knows it isn't stopping marijuana and cocaine coming one way and guns and laundered money going the other.

If any other country was run by narco-killers next to a neighbor, we'd be there in a second to defend those borders. Yet, we feel the effects in Texas, Arizona and California and mostly wait for a corrupt police force to correct the combustion. Of course, taking the criminal penalties off marijuana in the United States would correct most of the impetus for territorial drug wars, namely the exorbitant profits made shipping weed across the border.

Or we could invade Mexico first, make it a state (by choice, of course) and then de-criminalize marijuana in America. Pot is not even a hot topic. It's the oil Mexico has, sans resources to extract it. It's the miles of open spaces that we in the first forty-eight need to see. It's different stretches of beaches reaching towards the equator.

Look at the map and imagine the United States nearly encircling the Gulf of Mexico. Cuba would beg to be number fifty-two. But we want territory we can build a four-lane to. Like Belize. That would make a nice fifty-two.

24mar - Are we waiting for a Mexican terrorist to bomb a border crossing when the heat gets turned up on the guns for ganja traffic?

5Apr - Santana says take the criminal penalties off marijuana.  He's probably tired of paying outrageous prices for high grade ganja to finance hoodlum Mexican narcotics gutter punk millionaires.  How "duh" can it be?  Criminal penalties boost the price to the point of making marijuana profitable to export to the USA.  Users in America are not the problem!  The United States government's concentration on busting tokers has increased the cost of supply to exorbitantancy.  It's a weed that grows wild.  If all the users switched to homestone, the price of Mexican pot would drop the Mexican mafia to small-time street hoodlum status.  Every state in this country has a growing season which can produce high-grade marijuana.  And every place which has electricity can power grow lights.  Anybody who knows anything at all about marijuana knows that a controlled light source can produce smoke that can be superior to outdoor.  The only reason marijuana smokers are buying Mexican weed is because it is prevalent.  It is available.  It is not the best or even close.  It is coming into this country in quantities which would probably surprise most users.  And the price keeps increasing because of the risk penalties and payment to purveyors.  It is obvious there are political and military officials on both sides of the border which allow mega-shipments of marijuana north and firearms south. The next time a politician claims the users in this country are responsible for anything happening on the Mexican border, they should be asked how much they really know about how marijuana gets in so easily.  Dude told me one time about his uncle who had such connections and payoffs, he had a semi load of pot delivered from Mexico to Minneapolis with a county or state cop escort all the way.  That was twenty-five years ago.  No doubt, he needs no escorts, today.  The routes are bought and paid for from the Mexican side.
1May - Another reason to institute plans for statehood for Mexico.  Swine flu.  No flu threat to the world has ever originated in the USA.  Hong Kong, Asian, bird, all came from away from our shores.  Who knows the reason?  Now, one has originated in Mexico which is not away from us, it is connected to us. If it was the 51st State, we'd know why and would have already remedied the situation.

5May - On the other hand, it appears Mexico has reacted in quick and effective fashion in containing the spread by shutting down the country long enough to stem the outbreak.  Which is way more civilized than Egypt's slaughter of a quarter million hogs and China's quarantine of Mexican tourists.  Sounds like something many in this country would chose to do with all Mexicans in the United States.  Isn't it time for us to stop keeping our nearest neighbors on the other side of the fence?  Give them a state, the 51st State.  Just ask them what they think about statehood?  Can't imagine Mexican citizens wouldn't rather be an official part of  the country they swarm to inhabit.  Not all of them, obviously, but how many people leave any other state to go work and live in another?  The number would pale beside the total of all the other state's residents who would take a road trip to Mexico if it was the 51st State.

30May -  Have you put up a full-sized map of the world and looked closely?  If 49 and 50 have any business being states separated by so many miles from the mainland 48, how can Mexico not qualify?  Just offer them statehood.  I believe they would welcome the freedom and so would the rest of us who have busted the last frontier by simply insisting on going there to "check out California."  Mexico as a state would help us tuck ourselves in a little tighter towards insulation from the rest of the world.  Less crowded, more self-sufficient.

13 Jul - Mexico has an even worse immigration problem than we do.  All the countries south of it have people headed north to more future.  Some just stay in Mexico.  From Honduras, number fifty-four for statehood. From Belize, fifty-two and Guatemala, fifty-three.  Attack, attach, acclaim or ask Mexico to become our Fifty-First State.  The United States of America needs more room to allow the citizens some new borders to squeeze into. We need a four-lane highway from north to south which is as long as the one leading east to west.

29 Jul - The construction of the border fence continues in the most remote sections of the desert.  These are places where humans seldom travel, in either direction.  However, there are animals, e.g., the jaguar, which use these areas as territorial and migration routes, regardless of United States or Mexican borders. The high tech fence construction provides a penned-in boundary for the natural movement of wildlife, which hastens their extinction.  Also, it is becoming more and more obvious that our safe haven border towns are harboring more and more of the criminal element spilling out of Mexico.  Of course, more and more U.S. armed guards along our border provides more targets for the lower echelon mobsters transporting human cargo.
     Decriminalize marijuana and annex Mexico.  Statehood may take too long, just occupy the country and begin the process of assimilation.

13Oct - Harry Shearer reports the market for Mexican herb has fallen dramatically because tokers are able to procure stateside stuff from other than the criminal element.  Grow light crops are too numerous to police, especially since all government bucks for eradication have been diverted to terrorist activity.  Thank a redneck President for that, I guess.  The consequence is that the grotesque piles of money that was once piled and plied by Mexican hoodlums who could only get more powerful by getting richer has dwindled.  Decriminalizing pot in this country would have done the same thing, long ago, before the problem there spilled into here. Of course, the homestone is more potent because of the controlled environment.  More expensive, too.  So, until it is decriminalized and t'ics can grow their own outside, there will still be a market for Mexican.

6Nov - Mexico needs to be one of our states.  It is the only neighborly thing to do, invite them in.  They would be the poorest state, to begin with, but there is unused land and untapped oil for miles.  And more seaside land for America.  The ex-patriots who used to flood the market up here are staying home.  In fact, those with any hope of eventually sending money home are being sent money from Mexico, to keep them afloat.

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